SMSF News & Alerts: September 2021

Changes to Actuarial Certificate Requirement Laws have recently changed which means superannuation trustees no longer need to obtain an actuarial certificate when calculating exempt current pension income. Here’s an article with more detail on the changes to actuarial certificate requirements. SuperStream is Mandated for Rollovers as of October 1 2021 As of 1 October 2021, […]
ATO Lodgment To-Do’s for June 2021

Well! Almost the end of another financial year. Don’t miss these items and deadlines for you and your clients. 5 June Lodge tax return for all entities with a lodgment due date of 15 May 2021 if the tax return is not required earlier and both of the following criteria are met: non-taxable or a credit […]
ATO Updates for June

5 June Lodge tax return for all entities with a lodgment due date of 15 May 2021 if the tax return is not required earlier and both of the following criteria are met: non-taxable or a credit assessment in latest year lodged non-taxable or receiving a credit assessment in the current year. Note: This includes companies and […]
ATO Updates for May

15 May Lodge 2020 tax returns for all entities that did not have to lodge earlier (including all remaining consolidated groups), and are not eligible for the 5 June concession. Due date for companies and super funds to pay if required. Note: Individuals and trusts in this category pay as advised on their notice of assessment. 28 May […]
The Top 5 Mistakes made on an SMSF: Advice from the Australian Tax Office

The ATO published a list of the most common mistakes made in the accounting process of SMSFs around the country last year. A few of the top five mistakes relate to the SMSF Annual Return (SAR) which is required to be lodged for some SMSFs next month. With recent growth of 15% in SMSF’s for […]