Demand Is Up, SMSF Auditors are Down. So, What’s Happening to SMSF Audit Fees?

Demand Is Up, SMSF Auditors are Down. So, What’s Happening to SMSF Audit Fees?

A lot has changed in the SMSF landscape since ASIC commenced registration of SMSF Auditors in 2013. From a peak of more than 7,000 SMSF auditors in 2014, today, just 4,352 remain; in just a decade, the number of registered SMSF auditors has dropped by almost 40%. Most (72%) of registered providers have left the […]

3 Steps that’ll Get Your Google Ratings Higher

3 Steps that’ll Get Your Google Ratings Higher

Now that you’ve created your Google My Business Profile, it’s time to aim for a fabulous star rating – or at least, one better than your nearest competitors. That’s because positive reviews directly influence sales. Research demonstrates that 84% of people trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations and 90% of people read reviews […]

What Happens When you Google Your Business? Simple tips to build a free new-client-magnet.

SEO Tips

As straightforward and simple as the following pointers may seem, these will help distinguish your financial services business from competitors and appeal to critical emerging markets. Our last article in the new Marketing Foundations Series highlighted the importance of trust when seeking to build business opportunities with new markets. Research has regularly demonstrated how often Aussies […]

Economic Shifts that Represent New Markets for Your Financial Firm.

New Markets for Your Financial Firm

When change accelerates, so does the need to adapt. Financial Services is one of those professions that has not only successfully weathered the COVID pandemic but seen demand increase. As we emerge from COVID’s immediate economic impacts and Boomers move into retirement, service needs will continue to change. Those organisations that respond to these changes […]

6 Tips that Save Money or Spring New Business Growth.

EOFY Trustess Info from intello

Although the start to 2021 has been a little shaky, hopefully this year will be different to the last 12 months. If you haven’t already, take a look at six key ways in which you can reformat some areas of your financial services firm up to make 2021 your best year yet.

Offshoring SMSF compliance work alternatives

offshore compliance

Over the last decade outsourcing work offshore has been a trend in the Australian accounting landscape. Often one of the first areas an accounting practice will look to offshore is their SMSF compliance work. Although I don’t have an issue with offshoring in general as a business solution, for a number of reasons I believe […]

Does outsourcing put SMSF client data at risk?

outsourcing smsf

Many financial advisers are engaging in offshore outsourcing, but there are smarter initiatives available that keep clients’ private financial data onshore while keeping jobs in Australia.  We are seeing a surge in Australian financial services firms outsourcing a large proportion of its operations to offshore providers. While it may be legal, many clients are oblivious […]

How ‘zero touch’ SMSF Admin can help your business

Fund Administration for Trustees - intello smsf

  Technology is quickly shaping the SMSF industry and is impacting all involved. Now, let’s not get caught up in all the hype around ‘Artificial Intelligence’ and ‘machines taking over jobs’ and really focus on the shift that is happening as we speak. Technology and data advancements are driving operational efficiencies and increasing the sophistication […]