SMSFs Helping Female Investors Close the Superannuation Savings Gap

How Advisers Can Support Women Through The “Financial Tidal Wave” of Change Most Australian women today retire with almost half as much in superannuation savings as her male counterpart. The “superannuation savings gap” is the result of numerous factors currently under examination by Federal Government. Self-managed superannuation funds, meanwhile, are making significant progress on closing […]
The IFA Growth Guide: 5 Signs It’s a Good Time Implement a Growth Strategy for your Financial Services Firm 

The most profitable businesses are typically those that scale, and do so efficiently. In the services sector though, efficiently expanding a business can be particularly difficult. That’s because the adviser often comprises of the core value of their business; the stuff that makes your business unique, and keeps your clients coming back to you. Growth […]
3 Reasons Why Advisers Should Remain Involved in a Client’s SMSF Admin

While most advisers attend to the investment needs of a client’s SMSF, only a few remain involved in the administration of their client’s SMSF. Without full visibility into SMSF accounting processes however, clients may be paying excess costs or missing opportunities for timely advice and the benefits therein. Many advisers don’t believe they have the […]
What Happens When you Google Your Business? Simple tips to build a free new-client-magnet.

As straightforward and simple as the following pointers may seem, these will help distinguish your financial services business from competitors and appeal to critical emerging markets. Our last article in the new Marketing Foundations Series highlighted the importance of trust when seeking to build business opportunities with new markets. Research has regularly demonstrated how often Aussies […]
Are You A Typical SMSF Member?

A profile of Australia’s SMSF Members – Aug 2021 Hello Trustees! Ever wondered if you’re the average SMSF Member… is your balance on par and are you older, or younger than most of your comrades? The number of SMSFs has increased by 15% in the last five years to more than 590,000 funds. And while […]
Want to Get More Done and Save your Most Precious Resource?

A “How To”: Timeboxing As your business grows, priorities change. According to IDC research, the smallest businesses initially focus on cash flow, revenue growth, and cost reduction. As organisations grow and become more complex, productivity becomes a much more critical priority. So, if you’re tired of that sense of lost productivity or time that is […]
What Auditors Want – Hear it Directly from an Auditor

Every year we get asked by advisers why our auditors ask for so much documentation relating to investment decisions or certain transactions within SMSF’s. As we prepare to enter a new financial year, we thought that it would be timely to understand some of the main issues our auditors look for when reviewing SMSF […]
The Best Investment Anyone Can Make: 3 High-Yielding Investments In Yourself

An investment in yourself is one that will make massive positive returns for you, your family and your business. Whether it’s investing time in learning a new skill, or putting money to hiring a coach, it’s important to re-think the practice of investing in yourself in terms of returns and how it will help you […]
What COVID-19 Has Taught Us About the Offshoring Model

Facing rapid market change and regulatory conditions, Aussie financial services firms are partnering with third-party firms more than ever before. Most often, this is an economic decision to remove tedious low-value work from teams who can focus on high-yielding activities, by re-allocating the services to regions with lower pay. Meanwhile, some firms opt to enhance […]
SMSF Auditor Independence Standards – The Tough Decisions for Accounting Firms

In preparation for a tougher clamp down on SMSF Audit Independence Standards as of July 1, many accounting firms face a predicament. Under the updated code, those firms that offer both non assurance and SMSF audit services to their SMSF clients to decide to offer one, or the other. The independence standard also affects those […]