What do new Director ID Requirements mean for your SMSF?

new Director ID Requirements

Up to 63% of SMSFs will be impacted by new identification requirements for directors. If your SMSF has a corporate trustee, the director must go through a new registration process. Here’s what you need to know so you can be prepared, including details on the application process. Update November 2021: Applications for Director IDs are […]

What you need to know about SuperStream Changes – October 2021

SuperStream Changes

As of October 1, the ATO has implemented changes to SuperStream obligations. This means that rollovers into or out of your SMSF can only be performed using SuperStream. By being prepared for this change, it will ensure your employer super contributions are paid and super monies are rolled over in a timely manner. Below we […]

SMSF News & Alerts: September 2021


Changes to Actuarial Certificate Requirement Laws have recently changed which means superannuation trustees no longer need to obtain an actuarial certificate when calculating exempt current pension income. Here’s an article with more detail on the changes to actuarial certificate requirements. SuperStream is Mandated for Rollovers as of October 1 2021 As of 1 October 2021, […]

Are You A Typical SMSF Member?

New Markets for Your Financial Firm

A profile of Australia’s SMSF Members – Aug 2021 Hello Trustees! Ever wondered if you’re the average SMSF Member… is your balance on par and are you older, or younger than most of your comrades? The number of SMSFs has increased by 15% in the last five years to more than 590,000 funds. And while […]

SMSF Annual Return (SAR) – Is Yours Due October 31?

SMSF Annual Return (SAR)

Some SMSFs have their annual return (SAR) due by 31 October 2021. You’re required to lodge an SMSF Annual Return (SAR) if: You are a new self-managed super fund (SMSF) or, If you have missed previous years lodgments. It’s worth noting that October 31 falls on a Sunday this year, so you will be able to […]

How Much Does it Cost to Wind Up a SMSF?

What cost to Wind Up a SMSF - intello

Once a fund has been wound up, it cannot be reactivated. It’s also important to follow critical steps in this checklist and the ATO’s winding up an SMSF Form. Your SMSF wind up checklist As stated by the ATO, the following tasks are required when winding up an SMSF: complete any requirements that the trust […]

Life Insurance – What Structure Works for Your Family?

Life insurance - intello SMSF

[This article is from our partners, Quill Group] Welcome to the new financial year!  Over the past six to twelve months we’ve had a number of people enquire about life insurance and how to optimally structure it for their family.  It should come as no surprise that the best way to structure it will depend […]

EOFY To-Do’s for Trustees

EOFY Trustess Info from intello

An article from our partner, Quill Group. The end of the 2020/21 financial year is approaching – a great time to perform some financial “housekeeping”, according to your personal circumstances. For many individuals, Superannuation and the management of their SMSF is often an important consideration at this time of year. So, let’s look at some […]

The Best Investment Anyone Can Make: 3 High-Yielding Investments In Yourself

invest in yourself - intello

An investment in yourself is one that will make massive positive returns for you, your family and your business. Whether it’s investing time in learning a new skill, or putting money to hiring a coach, it’s important to re-think the practice of investing in yourself in terms of returns and how it will help you […]

What the Federal Budget 2021-22 Means For You, Your Family & Your Fund

Life insurance - intello SMSF

[a story from our partner, Quill Group] Budget Summary The 2021-22 Federal Budget is a balancing act between a better than anticipated deficit ($106 bn), an impending election, and the need to invest in the long term. Key initiatives include: Extension of temporary full expensing and loss-carry back providing immediate deductions for business investment in […]