Are You A Typical SMSF Member?

New Markets for Your Financial Firm

A profile of Australia’s SMSF Members – Aug 2021 Hello Trustees! Ever wondered if you’re the average SMSF Member… is your balance on par and are you older, or younger than most of your comrades? The number of SMSFs has increased by 15% in the last five years to more than 590,000 funds. And while […]

How Much Does it Cost to Wind Up a SMSF?

What cost to Wind Up a SMSF - intello

Once a fund has been wound up, it cannot be reactivated. It’s also important to follow critical steps in this checklist and the ATO’s winding up an SMSF Form. Your SMSF wind up checklist As stated by the ATO, the following tasks are required when winding up an SMSF: complete any requirements that the trust […]

EOFY To-Do’s for Trustees

EOFY Trustess Info from intello

An article from our partner, Quill Group. The end of the 2020/21 financial year is approaching – a great time to perform some financial “housekeeping”, according to your personal circumstances. For many individuals, Superannuation and the management of their SMSF is often an important consideration at this time of year. So, let’s look at some […]

How much super do I need in retirement, and how can I boost my super balance?

retirement planning smsf intello

Knowing how much you need in retirement is more about knowing what kind of lifestyle you desire when you have retired, or, transitioning to retirement. According to the ASFA Retirement Standard, for a single person that magic number is $545,000. But according to the ABS – the average super balances for the entire working population1 […]