What COVID-19 Has Taught Us About the Offshoring Model

Facing rapid market change and regulatory conditions, Aussie financial services firms are partnering with third-party firms more than ever before. Most often, this is an economic decision to remove tedious low-value work from teams who can focus on high-yielding activities, by re-allocating the services to regions with lower pay. Meanwhile, some firms opt to enhance […]

SMSF Auditor Independence Standards – The Tough Decisions for Accounting Firms

In preparation for a tougher clamp down on SMSF Audit Independence Standards as of July 1, many accounting firms face a predicament. Under the updated code, those firms that offer both non assurance and SMSF audit services to their SMSF clients to decide to offer one, or the other.  The independence standard also affects those […]

6 Tips that Save Money or Spring New Business Growth.

Although the start to 2021 has been a little shaky, hopefully this year will be different to the last 12 months. If you haven’t already, take a look at six key ways in which you can reformat some areas of your financial services firm up to make 2021 your best year yet.